OpenSource development needs your support

Of course, as a donor you will receive an invoice including the value added tax stated.

We would also like to thank all donors on our website on the sponsors list, as well as on facebook and twitter (if we have explicit approval)

Donate to MetaModels

Donate for manual translations

Almut Müller

Sponsor a new feature

For particular features we need your financial support. Therefore, we have set up a subpage where you may obtain informations on specific features, their progress and about the number of sponsors, who are already supporting us. For every donation you will get an invoice, of course.

If you like to support us regardless to particular features or just to say "Thank you", please use the donate button or write us an e-mail. MetaModels is only as good as we work well together as a group (and as a part of the Contao community).

Request a feature

What is the sum of 2 and 3?