Help for users of MetaModels

Your guide to MetaModels

MetaModels manual

MetaModels should allow non-programmers to store their data structures in Contao and to prepare to output them in an appealing layout. This includes the definition of an output template as well as a module to search and filter data.

To get started with MetaModels please see our MetaModels manual.

Our manual also provides you with some tips and tricks on how to use MetaModels effectively. It also guides you through the installation, gives an overview over the different components and also a first example to get started. We also have the topics "Cook book" with tipps and tricks, a list of different extensions and a MetaModels API documentation.

You can support our manual with text contributions or donations.

Questions and application help

Due to its broad possibilities you might have some questions about MetaModels not only when you have just started but also when you already used MetaModels for a while. For all those questions we have a special "MetaModels" heading in the Contao forum.

As a first approach and if you are unsure how to frame your questions and which informations are actually needed, refer to the forum postings to get some hints. You can subscribe to a post to automatically get the latest news about MM news, updates in the manual or known bugs.

Besides the forum you can also get informations via Twitter, Facebook, Mumble, Github oder dem IRC.

If you happen to need help from the MM team or a special function, you can send your request via the request form or email (

Even if there is no company behind the MetaModels project, we can provide uncomplicated service in a timely manner in most cases.

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MetaModels videos

(from Almut Müller)

(from Almut Müller)