Current versions for "bundle_all" are alpha14 in MM core and beta38 in DCG
The next versions alpha15 (core) and beta39 (DCG) are about to be released. Therefore, all attributes and filters will be updated to "2.0-stable". Currently 56% of all repositories are already tagged with “stable” and 22% are ready to be tagged. For the remaining packages there are still bugs and tests to be done.
Here is a summary of the completed jobs (in addition to the ones published in recent news):
- Icon “published” will only be shown if the data record is editable
- Fix of checkbox for FEE
- Attribute “numeric” is compatible with PHP7
- Attribute “date/time” can be changed to “read only”. CSS-class "widget" will be attached automatically
- Filter "Text" can look for Null (0) as a figure
- Templates are "Contao compliant" with Short-Tag instead of echo
- Templates have block information, which can be edited (revision still in progress)
- URLs with empty values are no longer included in MM sitemap.xml
We are asking you to please install both Versions using Composer (plus modify Composer-JSON) and test
For the start of 2017 we would love to recruit some new supporters who are willing to contribute to the MM project. By posting this in the December news and on the forum, we could get some new supporters.
But we are still on the lookout for new people, who can make a contribution to secure the progress and growth of MetaModels.
Donations for support and bug fixing MetaModels:
NN 16€ and Almut for a “Glühwein” voucher - Thanks a lot!
- Editor module for front end output: no funding so far
- Export/Import: no changes
- Frontend-Editing: new Demo from "tsarma" http://mmfee.tsarma.ch/
- Connector to Isotope 2.0: no changes
Some small additions and updates were made in the German documentation. Almut is continuously working on the translations form German into English. Jean-Luc started to translate the manual into French.
We got two donations for the documentation: Patrick Schroer from Duisburg donated 168 € and Almut another “Glühwein” voucher – Thank you very much!