News around the MetaModels project

February News

by Carsten Merz

Current information about MetaModels in February

MetaModels News - February 2017


Current versions for "bundle_all" are alpha14 in MM core and beta38 in DCG

As mentioned in January News, the next versions alpha15 (core) and beta39 (DCG) are about to be released. Until then, they still can be installed with composer.

Last month all attributes and filters for "bundle_all" were tagged with 2.0-stable.

For finalizing 2.0-stable, the next step is to update the Core and DCG.

Here is a summary of the completed jobs (in addition to the ones published in recent news):

  • For the attributes tags and select, it is possible to use column ID as alias.
  • When "Unique values" is enabled, the checkbox "Mandatory" will be checked automatically
  • Number of pagination-links (standard setting: 7) is now adjustable
  • New attribute: attribute_translatedmulti for "translated MCW"

We are asking you to please install both Versions (alpha15 (core) and beta39 (DCG)) using Composer (plus modify Composer-JSON) and test. (See manual for detailed instructions)

Donations for support and bug fixing MetaModels:

  • NN 42€ - Thanks a lot!


  • Editor module for front end output: no funding so far
  • Export/Import: no changes
  • Frontend-Editing: no changes
  • Connector to Isotope 2.0: no changes

Documentation and Website

Some small additions and updates were made in the German documentation. Almut created screenshots for the English version. The monthly news are now translated and published in English by Carsten.

We got one donation for the documentation: Hofer-Werbung donated 100 € – Thank you very much!

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