If you feel confident enough to enhance the MetaModels codebase, hop over to github and have a look at the issues in the tracker, implement them and send a pull request. We are always searching for more manpower to make the whole project a success.
Want to help MetaModels?
Help by donating code
MetaModels does have a strict code style we stick to and we want it to remain that way. Therefore we politely ask you to understand that we require all submitted code to validate against that style and request you to check that your code validates before handing in a pull request.
Help by donating documentation
Did you know that in almost any open source software project the documentation lacks behind the current state of the implementation?
Help us to fight this by enhancing the documentation in the contao wiki, just get yourself an account over there and start working on the documentation.
Help by donating money
As the main developers of this project code for a living, all non paid work on MetaModels has to be in their very sparse free time. By donating money to the project, you give them the possibility to work on MetaModels during their work hours and therefore speed up development significantly. We guarantee you, all money will be spent on this project solely.
If you have some specific requirements and/or features requests, you can also hire yourself a member from the team who will implement it for you. Please also have a look at the fine people already listed as sponsors. Supporting this project will put you on this list as well and you may feel proud to have supported such a fine open source project.