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Other MetaModels channels

IRC support

We have established an dedicated MetaModels IRC channel on the freenode network where you can get support from most of the MetaModels team and others of the community. Please understand that this is non paid support and you might not find us there on week-ends. ;)

A tutorial how to get on IRC to join on freenode has been written at the Contao Community Wiki.

The tutorial lists some programs and step by step guides to get you online in no time but please bear in mind that the support via IRC is free of charge and provided in the free time of the developers and community members, so be patient.

When you haven't got an answer to your problem or the problem is rather of complex nature, please consider posting it at the community forum. Non the less, we look forward to having you on IRC.

Help in the Mumble of the Contao Community Alliance

The Contao Community Alliance is providing a Mumble server for all Contao users. Mumble is an open source voice chat software (similar to Skype or Teamspeak) and provides the possibility to talk to other users.

A step by step guide for installation an setup can be found in the Contao Community Wiki.

We, as MetaModels Team, are using this service for our regular meetings and provide interested users a platform to reach us for clearification of small questions. Small questions can most likely be resolved pretty fast this way.

Please bear in mind that extensive support is limited to the community forum and IRC due to sustainability.