News around the MetaModels project

May News

by Carsten Merz

Current information about MetaModels from May

MetaModels News - May 2019

MM 2.1

Current version of MM core is 2.1.3 and the latest version of DCG is 2.1.3

Additional to the news from April (core 2.1.1) there are new fixes:

  • Fixed problem with list pagination and "Clear-all”
  • SubSystemBoot is now a "registered service".
  • DB customization for storing multilingual labels of the sections of the input mask
  • Fix for using insert tag "Session" with filter rule "Custom SQL
  • If an MM has been deleted and was in a CE-MM list, no more exceptions are thrown.


Donations: since the release of MM 2.1 there are practically no more donations :(


MM 3.0

A few weeks ago there was the first meeting (via Mumble) on MM 3.0. The goal was to define some basic goals for the upcoming version. Here are some key points:

  • Switch to UUID for Export/Import
  • Configuring via YML/XML - similar to CustomElements of RST - "GUI" remains in the backend...
  • Attributes split into classes
  • Symfony Forms (DCG 3.0)
  • Filter modification
  • API approach of MM to communicate via REST, Hydra-LD, GraphQL, etc.
  • and much more



We have a new fundraising project:

New is a tool which reads metadata from files and provides MetaModels. Meta data can be specific data beside the usual file information like file name, size etc. - IPTC and Exif are currently implemented. The function can be enabled in the configuration of the file attribute for the input mask and a mapping table (MCW) is then available for assigning metadata to an attribute of the input mask. In addition, there is the possibility to manipulate the data, e.g. for the conversion of a date. In the input mask itself there is a button that inserts or overwrites the extracted values into the widgets via JavaScript.

Via the meta data stored in the attributes, the standard filters of MM can be applied, e.g. to build up media searches like iStockphoto or author searches in PDFs, patient searches in DCOM, subtitles in MP4 and many more. Additional "extractors" can easily be added to read files like PDF, MP4, DWG, DCOM, SVG, etc.

For access to the extension a donation of 200€ (net) is to be paid. More information about the project is available by e-mail at


More Fundraising projects:

  • MetaModels-2-Isotope for Contao 4.4 mehr...
  • Manual file sorting "translated File" more...
  • Notelist for Contao 3.5 and 4.4 mehr...
  • Filter rule Parent filter (info page will follow)
  • XLIFF-Ex-Import for Contao-Content and MetaModels (info page will follow)
  • File Metadata Extractor (info page will follow)

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