News around the MetaModels project

December News

by Carsten Merz

Current information about MetaModels from December

MetaModels News - December 2017


In December, our focus was still on MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4. But there were also some updates for MM 2.0. In MM 2.0, all attributes and filters, which had been edited (see last news), were given a new version number and are now automatically updated via composer.

MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4

We are making good progress with MetaModels 2.1. Two other projects were successfully realised with MM 2.1 and contao 4 – one of it in multi-language.

The Fundraising for MetaModels 2.1 increased to 5.131€, which is about 34% of the goal.

We were very pleased about three new donations: pepesale GmbH with 1.000€, Sandra Gumbrecht with 122€ and Nicole Weiß with 163€ - thanks a lot!

Our "early adopters" option, in exchange for an appropriate donation for the project, is still available. For more information, please contact

Besides a financial support, a collaboration in terms of developing is always welcome – as a “donation” or in connection with a payment from the fundraising. 

The fundraising for Manual file sorting is still at 46% of the target amount. For all users, who would like to have this feature before the fundraising is completed, there is also an "early adopter" option.

For the new fundraising “watchlist”, we got a donation from Westwerk GmbH & Co. KG of 350€ - thanks a lot! In the MM manual (only German), you can have a closer look at this feature. For more information and the "early adopter" option, please contact

Donations for support and bugfixing MetaModels:

  • none


  • MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4.4 more...
  • Manual file sorting "translated File" more...

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