Actively support the MetaModels project by participating in our fundraising program

Why fundraising?

MetaModels allows you, as successor of "Catalog", to build simple and complex data models in Contao. The people in the MetaModels Team are working hard to fix bugs submitted by all of you users, are implementing new features on a regular basis and provides support and answers in the community forums, IRC and on Mumble.

We are keeping up with this workload public since days and are highly motivated to keep the high level of support, quality and feature richness. However, some features need more investment than others and this is where YOU come into play. Help us to complete these features and become one of the many supporters.

On this page, you find all relevant facts to each feature, how much is in the pot and what exactly will be the implementation details. Yet, these features are just a small excerpt of all the tasks laying ahead of us, for a complete list of planned functionality and features please refer to the ticket system.

Every financial support will get a regular invoice. It makes no difference if you are a private person, freelancer or agency.

If you do not want to use paypal, you have the option of doing regular money transfer to the following account. Please make sure to fill the desired feature as purpose.

Christian Schiffler
KSK Tübingen

  • 100 %
    21696 €
    27 %
    5942 €

MetaModels 2.4 for Contao 5.3

32 Sponsor(s)

30 Days (Period of implementation)

With version 2.4, we want to make MetaModels compatible with the new LTS 5.3 of Contao and PHP 8 and incorporate further features - this also includes adjustments to the DCG.

For the funding, we again have an ‘early adopter’ programme (EAP), through which immediate access to the current MM 2.4-dev is granted. The grant for access via the EAP should be at least €350 (excl. VAT)*1. Access is again valid for one project. An overview of the repos can be found on Github.

Full funding of MM 2.3 has not yet been achieved - as many functions also benefit MM 2.4, part of the grant will be credited to 2.3; the status of MM 2.3 is listed below.

With regard to the EAP and MM 2.3 keys, we have agreed the following regulation:

  • all MM 2.3 keys acquired up to 6 months ago are also valid for MM 2.4*2
  • MM 2.3 accesses older than 6 months and up to 12 months receive a 50% discount*2
  • all older MM 2.3 keys are not valid for MM 2.4

based on the current date. As always, please contact us directly for special cases and agency quotas.

More information on the details and invoice request by e-mail to


*1: Invoice incl. VAT is always(!) issued - with EU tax ID in net; donor will be named and linked on request
*2: There are new access tokens for MM 2.4 - please send an e-mail to

  • 100 %
    111360 €
    42 %
    47241 €

MetaModels 2.3 for Contao 4.13

219 Sponsor(s)

160 Days (Period of implementation)

With version 2.3 we want to make MetaModels compatible for the new LTS 4.13 of Contao as well as PHP 8 and add more features - this also includes adjustments to the DCG.

For funding, we again have an early adopter program (EAP), through which immediate access to the current MM 2.3-dev is granted. The grant for access via the EAP should be at least 350€ (excl. VAT)*1. The access is again valid for one project. An overview of the repos can be found on Github.

Regarding the EAP and MM 2.2 keys we have agreed on the following regulation:

all MM 2.2 keys purchased up to 6 months ago are also valid for MM 2.3
the MM 2.2 accesses older than 6 months up to 12 months get 50% discount
all older MM 2.2-Keys are not valid for MM 2.3

related to the current date. Special cases and agency contingents as always directly with us.

For more details please send an email to

New at 19.08.2024: package "Basic 1"
To meet the demand for smaller projects, the "Basic 1" package is available for a grant of €100 (excl. VAT) which includes the following repos::

  • MetaModels/core
  • MetaModels/attribute_alias
  • MetaModels/attribute_checkbox
  • MetaModels/attribute_decimal
  • MetaModels/attribute_file
  • MetaModels/attribute_longtext
  • MetaModels/attribute_numeric
  • MetaModels/attribute_text
  • MetaModels/attribute_timestamp
  • MetaModels/filter_checkbox
  • MetaModels/filter_select
  • MetaModels/filter_text


*1: Invoice incl. VAT will be issued - with EU-Tax-ID in net; donor will be named and linked on request

  • 100 %
    6500 €
    31 %
    2002 €

Connector to Isotope 2.5

5 Sponsor(s)

10 Days (Period of implementation)

MetaModels shall be interfacing with Isotope ecommerce (Version > 2.5). The interface shall provide the products (and variants) from MetaModels and the checkout within Isotope. This allows to design complex products with ease in MetaModels and benefit from the checkout features in Isotope.

The project was renewed in April 2018 and updated to the current versions (MM 2.1/2.2 || 2.3 and Isotope 2.5 || 2.8)

The fundraising includes programming, project management, setting up a test shop, testing and documentation.

MetaModels 2.2 for Contao 4.9

Thanks to the 219 supports from the contao community, we were able to successfully end this fundraising. Our thanks goes out to all helpers for their financial support and also to everyone who supported us with likes and tweets on facebook and twitter.

A complete funding was not achieved - because many features also benefit MM 2.3 the remaining amount of € 37,558 was added to the fundrasing of MM 2.3.

In MM 2.2 several features and adjustments have been implemented - for an overview there is an extra page with the MM 2.2 featurelist.

  • 100 %
    85153 €
    100 %
    85153 €

MetaModels 2.2 for Contao 4.9

219 Sponsor(s)

125 Days (Period of implementation)

With version 2.2 we want to make MetaModels for the new LTS 4.9 of Contao compatible and add more features - this includes adaptations to the DCG.

For financing, we have again an "early adopter" program (EAP) which gives immediate access to the current MM 2.2-dev. The grant for access via EAP should be at least 350€ (excl. VAT)*1. The access is again valid for one project.

For more information about the details please send an e-mail to


*1: Invoice incl. VAT will be issued - with EU-Tax-ID in net; donor will be named and linked on request

Support via PayPal

Support via giro transfer

Name: Ingolf Steinhardt

Purpose: MetaModels - MetaModels 2.2 for Contao 4.9

Manual file sorting incl. "translated File"

Thanks to the 2 supports from the contao community, we were able to successfully end this fundraising. Our thanks goes out to all helpers for their financial support and also to everyone who supported us with likes and tweets on facebook and twitter.

  • 100 %
    3245 €
    46 %
    1500 €

Manual file sorting incl. "translated File"

2 Sponsor(s)

21 Days (Period of implementation)

With this feature, it is possible to sort files/images manually in the backend for frontend display. The feature is also available for multilingual selection and was tested with MM core a15 and DCG b39.

For this fundraising, the MM developers “donated” 1/3 of the total effort so that the remaining amount of the fundraising is now 3,245.00 €.

As soon as this amount is collected, the feature will be activated.

For all users, who would like to have this feature before the fundraising is completed, there are the following possibilities:

  • Donation of at least 10% of the remaining amount
  • An equivalent amount of work for the MetaModels-Project
  • An equivalent source code for a feature or bugfix

Support via PayPal

Support via giro transfer

Name: Ingolf Steinhardt

Purpose: MetaModels - Manual file sorting incl. "translated File"

MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4.4

Thanks to the 33 supports from the contao community, we were able to successfully end this fundraising. Our thanks goes out to all helpers for their financial support and also to everyone who supported us with likes and tweets on facebook and twitter.

  • 100 %
    53560 €
    61 %
    32779 €

MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4.4

33 Sponsor(s)

85 Days (Period of implementation)

Update 30.10.2018

Our early adopter program (EAP) will be extended until the transfer to Gitlab is completed.  For the transfer, some adjustments are required – the exact date of the release is still pending.

For access to the protected repositories of MM 2.1 before the transfer is completed, please use our EAP, which starts at a donation amount of 500€.

For more information, please contact


With the release of Contao 4.4 at the Contao conference, there were obviously discussions about MetaModels and Contao 4.

As reported in the may news, the plan is to develop MetaModels 3 using the features of Symfony and discard old “ballast”. But this means also a long development time.

There is agreement for this approach, but also the community asked for a faster solution to run MetaModels with Contao 4. The MM Team discussed this issue closely and tried to come up with a fast solution.

Therefore, we will develop a MetaModels 2.1 as an intermediate step which will work with Contao 4 (but not with Contao 3.5). The data base structure will be similar like MM 2.0. So a migration from 2.0 to 2.1 is possible with little effort.

The work is already in progress to estimate the (time) requirements. The development of the Version 2.1 will also build the foundation for Version 3.0.

For the implementation of MM 2.1, we started a fundraising campaign with a goal of 15,000 €. Depending on the progress of the fundraising, the implementation could start end of September/beginning of October 2017 and be finalized in November.

Support via PayPal

Support via giro transfer

Name: Ingolf Steinhardt

Purpose: MetaModels - MetaModels 2.1 for Contao 4.4

Frontend Editing

Thanks to the 14 supports from the contao community, we were able to successfully end this fundraising. Our thanks goes out to all helpers for their financial support and also to everyone who supported us with likes and tweets on facebook and twitter.

Status: Fundraising goal reached in October 2015

  • 100 %
    12000 €
    100 %
    12000 €

Frontend Editing

14 Sponsor(s)

50 Days (Period of implementation)

As already known from Catalog, Frontend editing shall also be possible with MetaModels, this means, website members may create, edit and delete items from MetaModels in the frontend of the website.

MetaModels is going to enhance and improve all current available functionality known from Contao and Catalog regarding Frontend editing with an unique approach to further develop the central DC_General component. With this entirely new approach we want to move on new ground, as Contao does not provide any generic Frontend editing at all so far, we are taking the challenge of reinventing the wheel. Of course the enhancements of DC_General are available to other extensions aside from MetaModels as well. Therefore the Contao community as a whole will be able to benefit from this feature.

The involved changes are major refactoring in DC_General and adapting the core and attributes to the needed changes imposed by this refactoring. We also might have to create some new widgets that are not yet available in the Frontend.

Support via PayPal

Support via giro transfer


Purpose: MetaModels - Frontend Editing


Thanks to the 9 supports from the contao community, we were able to successfully end this fundraising. Our thanks goes out to all helpers for their financial support and also to everyone who supported us with likes and tweets on facebook and twitter.

Status: Fundraising goal reached in May 2014 - Completion in August 2014

  • 100 %
    2435 €
    100 %
    2435 €


9 Sponsor(s)

12 Days (Period of implementation)

Everyone knows the possibilities to keep the input screens clean and well arranged. Contao provides, in addition to CSS classes, so called "subpalettes". These allow to display certain input fields only after a checkbox has been ticked. This functionality is already part of MetaModels.

What's missing, is the same feature being also applied to select widgets, to display certain input fields only, when a certain value has been selected. This would provide an even more simple way to hide non relevant input fields from the user an display them only as needed.

Support via PayPal

Support via giro transfer


Purpose: MetaModels - Subpalettes